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ToR – Solutions for accelerating the adoption of IDH’s traceability


ToR – Solutions for accelerating the adoption of IDH’s traceability

Data do evento 15/01/2024

Terms of reference – Solutions for accelerating the adoption of IDH’s traceability, zero illegal deforestation and deforestation-free Protocol by Cattle Ranchers in the Legal Amazon

IDH aims to select a service provider to create digital mechanisms that foster continuous engagement with cattle ranchers operating in the Brazil’s Legal Amazon (BLA) region, thereby accelerating the adoption of IDH’s traceability, zero illegal deforestation and deforestation-free program and protocol to reach 1 million animals by the end of 2025.

The proposal must be submitted to Manuela Maluf Santos at before
February 11, 2024 at 18 h BR time.

Acesse abaixo o documento na íntegra.

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